Custom area rugs


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Custom rugs in Spring, TX and the greater Houston, TX area


Looking for a just the right are arug size or color? Consider a custom rug in Spring, TX, Houston, TX, Tomball, TX The Woodlands, TX, and  Humble, TX.

Consider a custom built rug if you ever get tired of searching: custom size area rugs near me or custom rug near me. You know the one for that unique room or area that has everything but isn’t quite finished off yet? The missing element is often a beautiful custom rug. But it’s always the same excuses; I couldn't find the right size rug, the color just wasn't right, or the area really needs a rug size that just wasn't available.

You know when you found that perfect rug and it didn't really fit the room but you wanted it so badly you went ahead bought it anyway. We hear those similar stories every day and we have the answer to creating the perfect finish. A custom area rug that can be perfectly made to fit any angle, size or carpet style to meet the most challenging areas.

What does a custom area rug entail?

For years at Spring Carpets, we have created the perfect rugs in Spring, TX and Houston, TX for thousands of customers. Our design professionals happily provide assistance in finding the right style and color of carpet flooring in Spring, TX while working from your drawings, or photos or downloads from the internet bring in whatever inspires you. And if requested, we will come to your home and help design the size by measuring the specific area or room with options we know and understand.

We will custom build your dream rug where professional carpet seams may be needed to reduce carpet waste and then "bind" the rug edges utilizing serge or tape binding. And we won’t forget how important a rug pad is and will supply a non-slip pad that helps prevent your new rug from buckling or moving once in place. Moreover, we can even deliver and roll it out for you if needed.

We have samples on request to show you an example of edge binding so your desired style is applied to your custom rug. We also have free samples of the rug pad we will recommend.

Looking for a custom large rug or a custom small rug? There is no limit to the size!

Utilizing our very large warehouse rug table, we have the ability to build  both custom small and custom large rugs and then meticulously roll it up for transport.

You may be surprised to learn that, a key factor with handling custom large rugs is having the ability to roll it up, transport it and place it without causing crease lines or damaging the finished rug. It is an art, and we know it well.
custom rug near me Spring, TX

No one does custom rugs in Spring, TX & all of Houston, TX like Spring Carpets

Here is what makes this so easy for you and what we believe is the best of our sales agents will work with you from start to finish ensuring the entire process goes smoothly.

Contact us today for your free custom built rug estimate. We will provide a complete breakdown showing the cost on every aspect of the process from carpet cost fabrication cost and a timeline for completion. This along with the ability to offer a delivery and placement service makes our custom built rugs a very unique service. Creating the perfect rug for that special place is one of our specialties through our custom built rug service.

We make custom rugs to fit your room


Only at Spring Carpets